WRGPT3 Final Standings - 1993-1994

Final Standings Message

Date: Tue, 22 Mar 94 23:59:08 EST

Table Hand Players $Total   $Avg     Status
----- ---- ------- ------   -----    ------
 m1   234     1   1950000   1950000	F

 1 player left

Average bankroll   = $1950000.00
Standard deviation = $    0.00

  1	m1:hashimot 1950000  * Roy Hashimoto 
  2	m1:messiah        0    Marco Westerweel         03/22/94
  3	m1:kmunn          0    Kristofer Munn           03/17/94
  4	m1:duursma        0    Ron Duursma              03/12/94
  5	m1:hayek          0    Bruce Hayek              03/10/94
  6	m1:dbarnett       0    David Barnett            03/07/94
  7	m1:tommyo         0    Tommy O'Connor           03/03/94
  8	m1:simonson       0    Howard Simonson          02/22/94
  9	m1:patti          0    Patti Beadles            02/22/94
 10	m1:filipski       0    Paul Filipski            02/18/94
 11	l1:dennis         0    Dennis Yelle             02/16/94
 12	l1:ghoti          0    Adam Stoller             02/14/94
 13	l1:molinar        0    Bob Lima                 02/10/94
 14	k2:cub            0    Ray Miller               02/08/94
 15	k1:mathies        0    Tom Mathies              02/07/94
 16	k2:erc            0    Eric Smith               02/07/94
 17	k2:goedde         0    Chris Goedde             02/07/94
 18	k2:derek          0    Derek Riehl              02/04/94
 19	k1:geg            0    Gregory Garland          02/04/94
 20	j1:hahnkd         0    Kyoung Hahn              02/01/94
 21	j2:csimone        0    Chris Simone             01/31/94
 22	j1:kzemke         0    Kurt Zemke               01/28/94
 23	j1:sherrilp       0    Paul Sherrill            01/25/94
 24	i3:gtalvola       0    Geoffrey Talvola         01/25/94
 25	i2:mcmullin       0    Paul McMullin            01/24/94
 26	i4:dwightb        0    Dwight Bishop            01/21/94
 27	i2:rjc            0    Ron Cormier              01/20/94
 28	i3:butler         0    Ken Butler               01/20/94
 29	i2:krr            0    Kevin Rutherford         01/14/94
 30	i1:phsgl          0    Gang Li                  01/14/94
 31	i1:jaeger         0    Jaeger Cat               01/13/94
 32	h5:wilding        0    Matt Wilding             01/12/94
 33	h4:ted            0    Ted Marshall             01/12/94
 34	h4:adam           0    Adam Hamilton            01/12/94
 35	h2:mdm            0    Mark Meyer               01/12/94
 36	h5:calvinj        0    Calvin Jestice           01/12/94
 37	h5:pn             0    Paul Nandra              01/12/94
 38	h4:walter         0    Walter Hunt              01/10/94
 39	h3:jims           0    Jim Strydio              01/10/94
 40	h2:adams          0    Chuck Adams              01/10/94
 41	h2:gribble        0    Steve Gribble            01/10/94
 42	h1:scott          0    Scott Burke              01/10/94
 43	h1:msm            0    Mike McClain             01/10/94
 44	h2:tony           0    Tony Glenning            01/10/94
 45	h3:irwin          0    Frank Irwin              01/07/94
 46	h4:jjung          0    Jack Jung                01/07/94
 47	g4:gusciora       0    George Gusciora          01/06/94
 48	g5:coreyi         0    Corey Imsdahl            01/05/94
 49	g2:wsherman       0    Bill Sherman             01/05/94
 50	g2:rsimone        0    Richard Simone           01/05/94
 51	g2:mummert        0    Todd Mummert             01/05/94
 52	g1:tharvill       0    Thomas Harvill           01/02/94
 53	g6:why            0    Will Hyde                12/31/93
 54	g3:sweet          0    Gordon Sweet             12/23/93
 55	g5:lance          0    Lance Ogasawara          12/22/93
 56	g2:jka            0    Jay Adams                12/22/93
 57	g1:spence         0    David Spencer            12/21/93
 58	g6:slouie         0    Shelley Louie            12/21/93
 59	g2:yung           0    Edward Yung              12/20/93
 60	g1:raikau         0    Raimo Kauhanen           12/17/93
 61	g2:budd           0    Dave Budd                12/17/93
 62	g7:rodney         0    Peter Rodney             12/16/93
 63	g7:beers          0    Jim Beers                12/16/93
 64	g5:brett          0    Brett Barksdale          12/16/93
 65	g6:kubey          0    Ken Kubey                12/16/93
 66	g5:steven         0    Steven Watanabe          12/16/93
 67	g5:ctuna          0    Don Gladden              12/16/93
 68	g4:wendel         0    John Wendel              12/16/93
 69	f5:eo             0    Ed Oliveri               12/15/93
 70	f9:jxr            0    Jon Rosenberg            12/14/93
 71	f5:cjk            0    cjk@netcom.com           12/14/93
 72	f6:jj             0    Jeff Jennings            12/13/93
 73	f6:kena           0    Ken Anderson             12/13/93
 74	f9:serwin         0    Sean Erwin               12/13/93
 75	f10:parkert       0    Terry Parker             12/13/93
 76	f5:jhthomas       0    Joe Thomas               12/11/93
 77	f1:jacobs         0    Steve Jacobs             12/10/93
 78	f2:jmullen        0    Jim Mullen               12/10/93
 79	f2:bbart          0    Bruce Bartholomew        12/10/93
 80	f9:m1rjr00        0    Rich Rosen               12/10/93
 81	f3:brannon        0    Steve Brannon            12/09/93
 82	f3:slandrum       0    Steve Landrum            12/09/93
 83	f9:choi           0    Garrett Choi             12/09/93
 84	f7:hebo           0    Bob Herlien              12/09/93
 85	f1:linbergo       0    Ollie Linberg            12/08/93
 86	f4:darse          0    Darse Billings           12/07/93
 87	f4:pwagner        0    Peter Wagner             12/07/93
 88	f8:darryl         0    Darryl Gamble            12/07/93
 89	f5:lilwing        0    Stephen Biellak          12/06/93
 90	f5:patchu         0    Patrick Chu              12/06/93
 91	f8:rrh            0    Bob Holibaugh            12/06/93
 92	f1:sidlives       0    David Rho                12/06/93
 93	f6:dcasson        0    Dan Casson               12/04/93
 94	f4:notkin         0    David Notkin             12/03/93
 95	f7:ssweeney       0    Steven Sweeney           12/03/93
 96	f7:mhall          0    Michael Hall             12/03/93
 97	f8:kirkpatr       0    Don Kirkpatrick          12/03/93
 98	f10:egcuneo       0    Ed Cuneo                 12/02/93
 99	e3:leej           0    Lee Jones                11/30/93
100	e10:dabu          0    D.A. Buckles             11/30/93
101	e9:cfrye          0    Curtis Frye              11/30/93
102	e6:bing           0    Bill Ingram              11/29/93
103	e7:bhoughto       0    Blair Houghton           11/29/93
104	e2:jlayland       0    James Layland            11/29/93
105	e13:tahajian      0    David Tahajian           11/29/93
106	e7:orosz          0    Jim Orosz                11/29/93
107	e10:westley       0    Paul Westley             11/27/93
108	e8:jr             0    John Reed                11/26/93
109	e5:susswein       0    Esther Susswein          11/24/93
110	e2:bolls          0    Ronald Bollschweiler     11/24/93
111	e6:spiney         0    Spiney Norman            11/23/93
112	e8:guy            0    Guy Berentsen            11/23/93
113	e5:mbuck          0    Michael Buck             11/23/93
114	e1:byard          0    Jeff Byard               11/19/93
115	e5:msako          0    Mitch Sako               11/19/93
116	e12:weinstoc      0    Chuck Weinstock          11/18/93
117	e9:ch2m           0    Christopher Houston      11/18/93
118	e6:reeves         0    John Reeves              11/18/93
119	e1:ege            0    Ernie Englehart          11/17/93
120	e5:mzimmers       0    Michael Zimmers          11/17/93
121	e13:simone        0    Mike Simone              11/16/93
122	e4:paik           0    Sam Paik                 11/12/93
123	e6:sipelste       0    Jay Sipelstein           11/12/93
124	e6:jsue           0    Jeffrey Sue              11/12/93
125	e3:lemke          0    Kennedy Lemke            11/11/93
126	e11:william       0    William Chow             11/10/93
127	e11:lott          0    William Lott             11/10/93
128	d8:adams          0    Steve Adams              11/08/93
129	d4:tpm            0    Tim McNerney             11/08/93
130	d5:kolk           0    Dan Kolkowitz            11/05/93
131	d5:rwd            0    Randy Dean               11/05/93
132	d3:troeger        0    Jeff Troeger             11/05/93
133	d9:bozo           0    Steve Blackstock         11/05/93
134	d2:lhughes        0    Laurence Hughes          11/04/93
135	d4:trump          0    Michael Lewis            11/04/93
136	d9:blitz          0    John Blyzka              11/04/93
137	d7:bturner        0    Bill Turner              11/04/93
138	d2:rbmoore        0    Robert Moore             11/04/93
139	d2:andy           0    Andy Chung               11/04/93
140	d2:ted            0    Ted Trela                11/04/93
141	d6:brown          0    Gary Brown               11/04/93
142	d13:ggarner       0    Gregory Garner           11/04/93
143	d2:mbn            0    Mike Northam             11/01/93
144	d15:jdodson       0    James Dodson             11/01/93
145	d12:manray        0    Mike Stevenson           10/29/93
146	d13:kev           0    Kevin Kuhn               10/29/93
147	d6:rollin         0    Keith Rollin             10/28/93
148	c1:hammond        0    J Mike Hammond           10/26/93
149	c1:jmn            0    Mark Noworolski          10/26/93
150	c3:lie6           0    Jonathan Lieberman       10/25/93
151	c9:pheacoc        0    Phil Heacock             10/24/93
152	c9:drr            0    Dan Reiswig              10/24/93
153	c15:matts         0    Matt Sexton              10/22/93
154	c15:pserao        0    Patrick Serao            10/22/93
155	c11:hack          0    Edmund Hack              10/22/93
156	c15:kmiyake       0    Keith Miyake             10/21/93
157	c9:hallyb         0    John Hallyburton         10/21/93
158	c17:bouchard      0    Rich Bouchard            10/21/93
159	c3:robp           0    Rob Peglar               10/21/93
160	c13:clarko        0    Clark Olson              10/20/93
161	c11:ed            0    Ed Baker                 10/20/93
162	c6:drongows       0    Robert Drongowski        10/20/93
163	c15:jharris       0    Jon Harris               10/20/93
164	c6:caira          0    David Caira              10/15/93
165	c7:ziridan        0    Daniel Zirin             10/15/93
166	c9:roberts        0    Jeff Roberts             10/15/93
167	c6:murphy         0    John Murphy              10/14/93
168	b3:nth            0    Nate Huang               10/12/93
169	b14:jfr           0    Jon Rosen                10/11/93
170	b9:wkirkpat       0    Wade Kirkpatrick         10/10/93
171	b6:mikegins       0    Michael Ginsberg         10/08/93
172	b6:whisnant       0    Kerry Whisnant           10/08/93
173	b20:jeremy        0    Jeremy Nguyen            10/07/93
174	b4:gucmw          0    Mats Wikstrom            10/06/93
175	b3:kriguer        0    Marc Kriguer             10/05/93
176	b15:jsosa         0    Joe Sosa                 10/04/93
177	b8:altner         0    Bruce Altner             10/04/93
178	b3:smthomas       0    Siobhan Thomas           10/01/93
179	b12:thyde         0    Tony Hyde                10/01/93
180	b10:jeff          0    Jeff Douglass            09/30/93
181	b7:cracicot       0    Chris Racicot            09/29/93
182	b15:neoncap       0    Tyler Wong               09/27/93
183	b12:jbw           0    Jason West               09/23/93
184	b5:thail          0    Sam Posten               09/22/93
185	b19:curtin        0    Larry Curtin             09/22/93
186	b6:slick          0    Martin Veneroso          09/21/93
187	b6:jason          0    Jason Steinhorn          09/20/93
188	b9:rowzej         0    John Rowzee              09/17/93
189	b14:burns         0    Chad Burns               09/16/93
190	b10:janowski      0    Michael Janowski         09/16/93
191	b19:andyl         0    Andy Latto               09/13/93
192	b3:duran          0    Jason Duran              09/09/93
193	b9:tom            0    Tom Porter               09/09/93
194	b14:pfische       0    Paul Fischer             09/08/93
195	b6:rgrall         0    Russell Grall            09/08/93

Elimination Chart

Elimination Report
    Direct eliminations are when you win a pot that eliminates a player.
    Indirect eliminations are when you eliminate a player that had already
       elimininated another player.

Player (direct, indirect)           Hand  Table
-------------------------           ----  -----

Roy Hashimoto (9 185)
    Brett Barksdale                  71   [g5]
      Paul Fischer                    1   [b14]
      Rich Bouchard                  29   [c17]
      Chuck Weinstock                46   [e12]
      Darse Billings                 61   [f4]
    Bruce Hayek                     148   [m1]
      Wade Kirkpatrick               14   [b9]
        Tom Porter                    1   [b9]
      Frank Irwin                    85   [h3]
        John Blyzka                  38   [d9]
      John Rowzee                     4   [b9]
      Bob Lima                      121   [l1]
        Calvin Jestice               87   [h5]
          Bill Turner                38   [d7]
          Sam Paik                   43   [e4]
        Paul Nandra                  87   [h5]
          Guy Berentsen              46   [e8]
            Laurence Hughes          39   [d2]
        Ed Cuneo                     57   [f10]
      Gregory Garland               114   [k1]
        Walter Hunt                  86   [h4]
          James Dodson               35   [d15]
          David Notkin               58   [f4]
        Gordon Sweet                 82   [g6]
          Don Kirkpatrick            59   [f8]
          Bob Holibaugh              60   [f8]
    Marco Westerweel                234   [m1]
      Bruce Bartholomew              60   [f2]
        Tim McNerney                 38   [d4]
        Curtis Frye                  48   [e9]
      Howard Simonson               133   [m1]
        John Murphy                  25   [c6]
        Thomas Harvill               74   [g1]
          Ed Oliveri                 64   [f5]
        Dwight Bishop                98   [i4]
      Jim Mullen                     60   [f2]
        Ernie Englehart              44   [e1]
      Keith Rollin                   34   [d6]
      Gary Brown                     38   [d6]
      Paul Filipski                 132   [m1]
        David Tahajian               54   [e13]
        Terry Parker                 65   [f10]
          Sam Posten                 17   [b5]
      Paul Sherrill                 105   [j1]
        Dave Budd                    71   [g2]
          John Reed                  47   [e8]
            Michael Janowski          6   [b10]
            Jeff Douglass            13   [b10]
        Blair Houghton               47   [e7]
        Darryl Gamble                61   [f8]
      John Wendel                    70   [g4]
      Patti Beadles                 133   [m1]
        Paul McMullin               100   [i2]
          Andy Latto                  3   [b19]
          Larry Curtin                9   [b19]
          Esther Susswein            49   [e5]
            Mitch Sako               47   [e5]
          Stephen Biellak            59   [f5]
          Patrick Chu                59   [f5]
        Peter Rodney                 71   [g7]
          Steven Sweeney             58   [f7]
          Michael Hall               58   [f7]
        0.33 Adam Stoller           124   [l1]
      Tommy O'Connor                141   [m1]
        Lance Ogasawara              73   [g5]
      0.50 George Gusciora           76   [g4]
      Kyoung Hahn                   109   [j1]
    Mark Meyer                       90   [h2]
      Corey Imsdahl                  79   [g5]
        Marc Kriguer                 20   [b3]
        Nate Huang                   24   [b3]
        Michael Lewis                37   [d4]
        Steven Watanabe              70   [g5]
          Joe Sosa                   20   [b15]
          Paul Westley               48   [e10]
        Don Gladden                  70   [g5]
          0.04 Jon Rosenberg         67   [f9]
      Jeff Roberts                   25   [c9]
      Jim Orosz                      46   [e7]
    Jason West                       10   [b12]
    Tony Hyde                        14   [b12]
    Tony Glenning                    86   [h2]
      Tyler Wong                     15   [b15]
      Ollie Linberg                  60   [f1]
    Ron Duursma                     154   [m1]
      Eric Smith                    115   k2
        Derek Riehl                 114   [k2]
          Dan Reiswig                30   [c9]
          Phil Heacock               30   [c9]
        Clark Olson                  28   [c13]
        0.4 Jeff Byard               45   [e1]
        Geoffrey Talvola             98   [i3]
          Steve Blackstock           39   [d9]
            David Caira              26   [c6]
        Bob Herlien                  63   [f7]
        Ken Butler                   95   [i3]
          Steve Jacobs               62   [f1]
            Jonathan Lieberman       29   [c3]
            Lee Jones                54   [e3]
      Ray Miller                    117   [k2]
        Ronald Bollschweiler         49   [e2]
          Russell Grall               1   [b6]
          Martin Veneroso             6   [b6]
          Kerry Whisnant             18   [b6]
          Michael Ginsberg           18   [b6]
            Jason Steinhorn           5   [b6]
        0.5 George Gusciora          76   [g4]
          Jeremy Nguyen              14   [b20]
          Mike Stevenson             35   [d12]
        Jack Jung                    85   [h4]
          James Layland              50   [e2]
        Ken Anderson                 64   [f6]
          Ed Baker                   29   [c11]
        Kurt Zemke                  107   [j1]
          Chuck Adams                87   [h2]
            Kennedy Lemke            43   [e3]
              Siobhan Thomas         17   [b3]
            Jim Beers                70   [g7]
              Robert Drongowski      28   [c6]
          Edward Yung                73   [g2]
            Matt Sexton              31   [c15]
            Patrick Serao            31   [c15]
            Mike Simone              45   [e13]
          Jaeger Cat                 91   [i1]
            Will Hyde                73   [g6]
              Chris Racicot           7   [b7]
              Ken Kubey              70   [g6]
            Bill Ingram              56   [e6]
            Shelley Louie            72   [g6]
              Robert Moore           38   [d2]
                Mike Northam         36   [d2]
              Andy Chung             38   [d2]
              Ted Trela              38   [d2]
          0.9 Jeff Troeger           39   [d3]
          William Chow               41   [e11]
            Jon Harris               28   [c15]
            Keith Miyake             30   [c15]
          William Lott               41   [e11]
          Richard Simone             85   [g2]
            0.6 Jeff Byard           45   [e1]
          Todd Mummert               84   [g2]
            Dan Kolkowitz            38   [d5]
            Randy Dean               38   [d5]
          Steve Gribble              87   [h2]
            Joe Thomas               62   [f5]
            Name Unknown(cjk@netco   63   [f5]
          Bill Sherman               85   [g2]
            Jay Adams                75   [g2]
              Rob Peglar             27   [c3]
              Steve Adams            37   [d8]
        J Mike Hammond               30   [c1]
        Mark Noworolski              30   [c1]
        Ted Marshall                 87   [h4]
          Peter Wagner               60   [f4]
            Bruce Altner             12   [b8]
          0.1 Jeff Troeger           39   [d3]
        Dan Casson                   58   [f6]
        Jeff Jennings                64   [f6]
        Adam Hamilton                87   [h4]
        0.11 Chris Goedde           115   k2
      0.96 Jon Rosenberg             67   [f9]
        Garrett Choi                 62   [f9]
          Gregory Garner             38   [d13]
          D.A. Buckles               50   [e10]
      0.89 Chris Goedde             115   k2
        Kevin Rutherford             93   [i2]
          Jay Sipelstein             43   [e6]
          Jeffrey Sue                43   [e6]
          Steve Brannon              62   [f3]
          Steve Landrum              62   [f3]
        Scott Burke                  86   [h1]
          Christopher Houston        45   [e9]
        Raimo Kauhanen               71   [g1]
        Mike McClain                 86   [h1]
      Jim Strydio                    86   [h3]
    Kristofer Munn                  179   [m1]
      Dennis Yelle                  130   [l1]
        Jason Duran                   1   [b3]
        Sean Erwin                   65   [f9]
          Chad Burns                  4   [b14]
          0.50 Daniel Zirin          25   [c7]
          Jon Rosen                  15   [b14]
        Gang Li                      93   [i1]
          John Reeves                48   [e6]
          Spiney Norman              52   [e6]
            Edmund Hack              32   [c11]
        Matt Wilding                 88   [h5]
          Michael Zimmers            45   [e5]
            0.5 Daniel Zirin         25   [c7]
        Rich Rosen                   63   [f9]
      0.67 Adam Stoller             124   [l1]
        John Hallyburton             29   [c9]
        David Rho                    57   [f1]
        Tom Mathies                 115   [k1]
          David Spencer              73   [g1]
            0.37 Michael Buck        48   [e5]
      Chris Simone                  110   [j2]
        0.63 Michael Buck            48   [e5]
          Kevin Kuhn                 35   [d13]
      David Barnett                 143   [m1]
        Mats Wikstrom                10   [b4]
      Ron Cormier                    96   [i2]

Players eliminated: 194
Players remaining :   1

When one person is eliminated with a split pot or multiple
side pots the fraction of that person's final stack that was
won by each victor is shown.  Also, the person with the
larger fraction gets the tree of all players eliminated
by the just eliminated person.  If 50/50 then I tossed a coin.

Final Weekly Report

---  3/22/94 ---- (25th and final report) ------------------

Round Summary

                         Hands  players                       Players
                 Tables  cmplt   elim     StDev      Max     Advancing
09/06/93 Start              0                 0      10000      195
10/13/93 Round 1  b20     330     28       6672      45050      167
10/27/93 Round 2  c17     103     20       8228      44600      147
11/08/93 Round 3  d15      78     20      10062      51975      127
12/01/93 Round 4  e13     146     29      13305      61625       98
12/15/93 Round 5  f10      97     30      20416      92250       68
01/06/94 Round 6  g07      72     22      31233     127225       46
01/12/94 Round 7  h05      22     15      53240     244925       31
01/25/94 Round 8  i04      63      8      66060     274000       23
02/01/94 Round 9  j03      17      4      82429     323250       19
02/09/94 Round 10 k02      13      6     126498     476550       13
02/17/94 Round 11 l02      19      3     176637     608950       10
03/22/94 Round 12 m01     104      9          0    1950000        1

Weekly Summary

Week      Hands  players  Overall    Overall
Ending    cmplt   elim     StDev       Max
09/10/93   31      4       1968       21250
09/17/93   59      4       3431       27550
09/24/93   65      5       4716       41425
10/01/93   77      5       5455       39425
10/08/93   78      7       6061       45050
10/15/93   53      7       7452       43025   (round 1 ended)
10/22/93   63     11       7613       41900
10/29/93   33      8       8586       44450   (round 2 ended)
11/05/93   41     16      10168       51975
11/12/93   34      8      12042       58325   (round 3 ended)
11/19/93   57      8      11872       62225
11/26/93   30      5      12701       61825   (Thanksgiving holiday)
12/03/93   44     14      13929       78275   (round 4 ended)
12/10/93   50     17      18979       96550
12/17/93   48     17      23609      120450   (round 5 ended)
01/07/94   50     15      35775      173125   (round 6 ended - holidays)
01/14/94   27     16      59794      253225   (round 7 ended)
01/21/94   21      3      67427      274500
01/28/94   19      4      81741      298000   (round 8 ended)
02/04/94   12      4      78844      318750   (round 9 ended)
02/11/94   14      5     134821      488550   (round 10 ended)
02/18/94   14      3     185979      606950   (round 11 ended)
02/25/94    5      2     140332      498825   (7 players left)
03/04/94    5      1     173934      588000   (6 players left)
03/11/94   11      2     103306      628000   (4 players left)
03/18/94   55      2     377000     1098000   (2 players left)
03/22/94   25      1          0     1950000   (tournament complete)

Last few hands:

Subject: [m1] Broadcast Message 10307 (*)
Date:        Thu, 17 Mar 1994 10:16:02 -0700

! Hand Number 179
! Day Number 193

|#|   Name     |Bankroll| Action |Status|Pot#|Pot Size|
 5|D  messiah  | 918000 |   2000 |folded|    |        |
 6|   kmunn    |      0 | 300425 |all-in|    |        |
 9|>  hashimot | 429150 | 300425 |      |    |        |
! History of this hand:
! 03/17/94 11:46:37 ! Dealing a new hand
! 03/17/94 11:46:38 ! Everyone antes $2000
! 03/17/94 11:46:38 ! Kristofer Munn blinds $5000
! 03/17/94 11:46:38 ! Roy Hashimoto blinds $10000
! 03/17/94 12:00:27 ! Marco Westerweel folds
! 03/17/94 12:01:44 ! Kristofer Munn calls
! 03/17/94 12:07:14 ! Roy Hashimoto checks

! 03/17/94 12:07:14 ! Pot is right, flopping/dealing/drawing cards
! 03/17/94 12:07:14 ! 2 players
! 03/17/94 12:07:14 ! Flopped cards: 10h Qc 3c
! 03/17/94 12:09:39 ! Kristofer Munn checks
! 03/17/94 12:13:09 ! Roy Hashimoto bets $75000
! 03/17/94 12:14:10 ! Kristofer Munn raises $213425 and is all in

! I think I need to call here.
! -- Roy Hashimoto --

! 03/17/94 12:16:00 ! Roy Hashimoto calls

! 03/17/94 12:16:00 ! Pot is right, flopping/dealing/drawing cards
! 03/17/94 12:16:00 ! 2 players, 1 all in
! 03/17/94 12:16:00 ! Flopped card: 5c
! 03/17/94 12:16:00 ! Flopped card: 10d
! Hand over, showdown
! Current board: 10h Qc 3c 5c 10d
! kmunn    has: Ah 4h
! hashimot has: 7s Qd
! Roy Hashimoto wins $602850 with Two Pair (Q Q 10 10 7)
! messiah  reveals 2h 6d
|#|   Name     |Bankroll| Action |Status|Pot#|Pot Size|
 5|D  messiah  | 918000 |        |      |    |        |
 9|>  hashimot |1032000 |        |      |    |        |
! Kristofer Munn is eliminated!
! A new hand will be dealt shortly


Subject: [m1] Broadcast Message 10461 (*)
Date:        Tue, 22 Mar 1994 17:27:08 -0700

! Hand Number 229
! Day Number 198

|#|   Name     |Bankroll| Action |Status|Pot#|Pot Size|
 5|>  messiah  | 451000 | 594000 |folded|    |        |
 9|D  hashimot |      0 | 905000 |all-in|    |        |
! History of this hand:
! 03/22/94 13:16:39 ! Dealing a new hand
! 03/22/94 13:16:42 ! Everyone antes $2000
! 03/22/94 13:16:42 ! Marco Westerweel blinds $10000
! 03/22/94 13:16:42 ! Roy Hashimoto blinds $20000
! 03/22/94 13:20:53 ! Marco Westerweel raises $44000
! 03/22/94 13:21:44 ! Roy Hashimoto calls

! 03/22/94 13:21:44 ! Pot is right, flopping/dealing/drawing cards
! 03/22/94 13:21:44 ! 2 players
! 03/22/94 13:21:44 ! Flopped cards: Qs 6c Qd
! 03/22/94 13:26:42 ! Marco Westerweel checks
! 03/22/94 13:41:40 ! Roy Hashimoto bets $132000
! 03/22/94 19:04:59 ! Marco Westerweel raises $396000
! 03/22/94 19:05:43 ! Roy Hashimoto raises $311000 and is all in
! 03/22/94 19:27:07 ! Marco Westerweel folds
! Hand over, no showdown
! Current board: Qs 6c Qd ? ?
! Roy Hashimoto wins $1499000
|#|   Name     |Bankroll| Action |Status|Pot#|Pot Size|
 5|D> messiah  | 451000 |        |      |    |        |
 9|   hashimot |1499000 |        |      |    |        |
! A new hand will be dealt shortly


Subject: [m1] Broadcast Message 10477 (*)
Date:        Tue, 22 Mar 1994 18:41:47 -0700

! Hand Number 234
! Day Number 198

|#|   Name     |Bankroll| Action |Status|Pot#|Pot Size|
 5|D  messiah  |      0 | 485000 |all-in|    |        |
 9|>  hashimot | 980000 | 485000 |      |    |        |
! History of this hand:
! 03/22/94 20:23:05 ! Dealing a new hand
! 03/22/94 20:23:06 ! Everyone antes $2000
! 03/22/94 20:23:06 ! Roy Hashimoto blinds $10000
! 03/22/94 20:23:06 ! Marco Westerweel blinds $20000
! 03/22/94 20:23:52 ! Roy Hashimoto raises $44000
! 03/22/94 20:31:41 ! Marco Westerweel raises $100000
! 03/22/94 20:33:38 ! Roy Hashimoto raises $319000

! This may not be the smartest move on my part,
! but I don't wanna bleed to death slowly to your
! chip lead either. If You win, congratulations.
! -- Marco Westerweel --

! 03/22/94 20:41:45 ! Marco Westerweel calls and is all in

! 03/22/94 20:41:45 ! Pot is right, flopping/dealing/drawing cards
! 03/22/94 20:41:45 ! 2 players, 1 all in
! 03/22/94 20:41:45 ! Flopped cards: Qh 6s 7s
! 03/22/94 20:41:45 ! Flopped card: 2s
! 03/22/94 20:41:45 ! Flopped card: Jc
! Hand over, showdown
! Current board: Qh 6s 7s 2s Jc
! messiah  has: Kh 5h
! hashimot has: Jd 9c
! Roy Hashimoto wins $970000 with One Pair (J J Q 9 7)
|#|   Name     |Bankroll| Action |Status|Pot#|Pot Size|
 9|D> hashimot |1950000 |        |      |    |        |
! Marco Westerweel is eliminated!
! Tournament over, Roy Hashimoto is the winner

! *** Congratulations, Roy Hashimoto !!! ***